Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Carl Grantman German Obituary Translation

Thanks to my sister, Heidi Hayes, we now have a translation of the Carl Grantman German Obituary.  Here it is!

In the old age of 90 years and one month died on last Tuesday evening Carl Grantmann in Lomira, one of the oldest residents of the city. Herr Grantmann leaves behind a [undecipherable] numerous family, namely 3 sons, Heinrich, Friedrich and Wilhelm, 4 daughters, Frau Friedrich Waege, Frau Wilhelm Voight, Frau Wilhelm Winter and Frau Frank Hayes, 40 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren, as well as numerous other relatives and friends. The funeral [undecipherable, possibly found or and] great Sanctification prayers at the evangelical Salem Church and after at the Ebenezer Church took place. [Undecipherable] officiating were the pastors Huebner, Kiefhoefer, Kiefhoefer, and Reichert.  A choir of four pastors sang by memory (by heart) many songs at the grave.

Heidi also sent a great link to a webpage that translates the German characters.  Click on the link below to go there.


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